Ikenobo Ikebana Society of America
Colorado Chapter
For information about Ikenobo click:

Container Sale Announcement:
We sold out of all 400 Ikenobo containers in one day for our 2020 container sale. The Chapter will sponsor another container sale in 2021. Details to be announced.
Testimonials from Previous Container Sales.
It was so kind of you to sell us containers at wholesale prices to support our ginza sales for Ikebana International. The containers were beautiful with earthy fall colors and the nice patterened winter containers in korean celedons were exceptional. We appreciate so much that you have continued to support Ikebana International and help us to encourage new Ikenobo students by providing starter kit containers that are not only beautiful but affordable for the new student. It is a big boost not only to our local Naples Florida Chapter of Ikebana International but also to the organization as a whole. Again we cannot thank you enouph for all your years of hard work, quick service, generosity, and support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. D.S. Ikebana International 9-18-2016
Once again this year we provided the visiting professor from Japan a wide selection of manufactured containers from the Ikenobo store, various bronze containers and a selection of containers you sold us. And for the thrid year in a row the professor selected all your containers for the demonstrations for the workshop. We are so grateful for all your beautiful containers, K K, Midwest Ikenobo
The containers you sold us look just like the Rikka Shimputai containers illustrated in the Ikenobo calendar. Both Sene'i and Yuki use them often. We are so pleased to have a source for such up to the minute modern containers for our I.I. shows. They are so beautiful. We featured one in our newsletter. Thank you. S.T. East Coast Ikenobo Chapter.
We were delighted with your containers. Ever year we offer the visiting professor from Japan a wide variety of manufactured containers to use for the Workshop. This year she chose all of yours for her work and demonstration. She talked about how much she liked the artistic and hand made quality of your containers. We were so pleased. D. K. Ikenobo Chapter.
Thanks for the wonderful containers. We sold two immediately with blue decoration on them. Midwest, Ikenobo President
Wow – these containers are nicely designed! These are so beautiful, I really love them.
Young Choe, National Arboretum, Washington D.C.
Just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying my flower container, it is stunning! Best wishes for the Holiday Season!
R.R. - Sogetsu Colorado
Thanks for the fantastic Containers. We have never been able to get such high quality ceramic Ikenobo containers in the United States before. Please put us on the list for 10 more. Thanks
S. H. - West Coast Ikenobo Chapter.
I hope that I expressed how much we liked your "beginner" containers and that we are hoping that you will be able to provide us with about eight more for the Fall. We don't want to push you but our first Ginza will be in November and if you could have some of them by that date we would be grateful.
East Coast, Ikebana International.
We can't get enouph of that wonderful agave natural Blue color - Please make more.
Mary - Sogetsu - Colorado
Seldom has a telephone call call generated such a great result! You and I spoke that one time about what our Ginza needed and yesterday it all arrived. The shipment was packaged beautifully and the containers are wonderful! We can't wait to put them into our next Ginza which will be during our Exhibit March 7th to 9th. The colors and shapes are all very dear to an Ikenobo-ans heart. We notice that the public also responds to the classic shapes.
We are going to start some of those "beginner kits" with the shoka containers and see how well that works . We should be able to give you another order by the end of March or early April and not need it to come in until the late summer or early fall. Looking forward to working with you again, S.W. Naples Ikenobo Chapter
We are extremely pleased with the containers. Their size,color and shape. Our members will be excited when they see them. Again, Thank you! your work is wonderful and we especially like the Bulb Shoka.
Sincerely, B. Florida Ikebana International
Whoopee! If you had five or six shoka conatiners that would be great. If less, we will mourn but be grateful for whatever you can send. If more , we could handle up to ten. And thank you oceans. and Hip, hip, hurray! Thank you again! Have authorized payment You are indeed a mensch! Will let you know when it arrives. from Ikebana International East Coast.
Hana Ikusa or Flower War
April 2017. Sunanomono made for a movie.
Ikenobo had been asked to make a Sunanomono for a current movie in production in Kyoto. Apparently the movie due to come out next year will involve a drama that includes Ikenobo in the story line. This is a photo essay of the construction of the Rikka over a five day period. We were told that they must finish it in five days, then completely dissassemble it and then transported it to the movie studio on Saturday for reassembly. We witnessed dozens and dozens of Professors, students, helpers and staff work morning till midnight everyday to complete the work. We felt priviledged to have been allowed to witness the creation of this great work of art.
The base structure completed a crane is brought in to position the main Shin Branch.
The base wooden form model and branches.
The workup of the dimensions needed for transportation and assembly in the movie studio..
Careful cutting and assembly of the Mortice for the main branch.
Positioning the main branch with the crane.
Positioning and securing the main branch with bolts.
The final connection completed in the beautiful bronze Edo Period Container with Tortoise Pattern.
The large pile of pieces waiting to be connected.
The main branch - Nagashi and connection on the second Kabu.
Connecting the branches and shearing the extended bolt ends.
Extensive connections and bolting needed.
Special steel braces forged for each individual branch for support.
The basic form and substructure completed.
Mock ups of the monkey scrolls that will hang behind the work are posted on the wall for correct proportion and placement of the pine rafts.
Days are spent altering and placing the rafts of pine in the correct positions to go along with the scrolls and overall design elements of the work.
More placement and alteration of pine rafts.
The main parts and compostion of the work completed. Observe the monkeys now climbing within the branches of the pine.
Side view of the Doe elements now placed in the front of the work.
Side view showing the large dimensional elements sweeking from back to front.
Side view showing the front Doe. This would later need to be reduced as it was too large for the required dimensions needed in the movie studio.
Top view of one of the pine rafts showing the incredible well pruned individual branch formation most likely from a well tended garden.
View of the containers placed for the materials requiring water in the composition and then concealed with bark.
Workers spending meticulous hours gluing bark on the work to conceal joinery and connections.
The truck arrives early for transpotation. Unfortunately we have to leave to catch a plane.
Late on Friday another much smaller Sunanomono shows up from the basement. We are told it is the Little Brother to be used in the movie.
The "Little Brother" has extensive wood scaffolding on it to support the branches.
The " Little Brother" rafts that are being worked on inside the building and will be joined to the main structure at the movie studio.
We will be certain to look for the movie and can't wait for it to come out.
The following is a compilation and sysnopsis from press releases concerning the movie on the internet.
Movie – HANA IKUSA or “Flower-war-sa” produced by Mansai Nomura.
For the first time Noh actor Nomura and Kabuki Actor Ichikawa will act in the same movie. The plot involves Senko Ikenobo played by Nomura who saves the hearts of a waring people by arranging flowers, and his friend/rival Sen no Rikyū, a popular tea master. The two men lead their prominent, exemplary lives amidst a city of poverty and civil war; and even though their interests differ they engage in a rivalry, as fellow pursuers of beauty, but also they are bound together by a deep friendship and mutual trust. Hideyoshi, ruler of the country, opposes Rikyū’s great influence in tea and orders him to commit seppuku (self disembowelment). Senko falls into a state of desperate sadness having lost his rival and friend. To exact revenge Senko uses the power of Kado – the way of flowers. Making Hideyoshi surrender without the use of force, but art, Hideyoshi now repents for having mandated the death of Rikyū.
Worldwide, when you speak of the tea ceremony, Sen no Rikyū readily comes to mind, yet the fact that the art of tea and the art of flower arrangement are inextricably linked is lost.
The Novel “Flower War” was written by Tadashi Onizuka who got the idea of the novel from legends born from the arranging of a “sand thing, (Sunanomono), 7.2 meters wide and 3.5 meters high” displayed in Maeda’s villa in 1594. According to Onizuka - the flower monk, Senko, who lived at the hexagonal temple was popular with the townspeople. “Senko is said to be the “father of middle interest” and pursues the “beauty of occasional flowers” not only inherited in traditions but also as a result of the “feelings in the air” at that time". The movie started shooting on April 10, 2016 at such well known Kyoto locations as Daikaku-ji, Muyoshin-ji, Ninna-ji, Nanzen-ji and Mamashinin. The following photo essay documents the creation of the “Sand thing” that will be used on the movie set.
Movie Trailer Photos just released.
Sunanomono at the Institute before moving to the movie Studio
Sunanomono Final Composition for the Movie.
Sunanomono Movie Advertisement
Second Sunanomono Made for the Movie
Second Sunanomono Made for the Movie